we're all just 14th y.o girls. je t'aime and ich liebe dich❤ asian pride. live while were young. don't stop believing and don't lose any hope. catch ya later by big red bus! (9^o^)9
Happily-married couple mussily Dan begin to notice some bizarre activity once they bring their newborn baby Aiden home from the hospital. But when they chaos expands to Jody's job as a ballet dancer and Dan's career as an Ape researcher, they realize their family being stalked by nefarious demon.
Together, with the advice of certified experts and the aid of numerous cameras, they must figure out how to get rid before it's too late.
heyaaall! let's take a little bit closer about caring and sharing. yap, Red Nose Day it's kinda day that you give something that maybe for you not useless but for them it's work.
okay! so maybe Directioner knows what happen in Red Nose Day, ya ya ya there's 1D making some song and the videoclip for that day and the tittle is One Way Or Another, it takes shoot in Japan, LA, London, and Ghana.
Well, this is One Direction while celebrating Red Nose Day in Ghana (; xx
hey girls! we're back again. so how's your day? hope a great day theree x
who's single around here? i think.. not much. cause you're not single enough, still have parent, friends, your lovely pet, aaand many more.
so you're not single enough. aha (; many girls worried for being single, but no,don't worried of being single. it's like god keep your mate for a long time just for you.
Single not boring because :
Can spying more guys at school, or maybe at the mall.
Rare for using your cellphone for texting, calling, and etc.
Try more fashion to attract many guys.
Just spend your time with your best friend longer, bedroom, and family.
Spemdalas = Our School ^.^
Ini sekolahku. Sekolah ini adalah salah satu sekolah favorit di daerah Gresik. Tempatnya teduh, suasananya sejuk, bangunannya bagus, pelajarannya nggak mbosenin, guru - gurunya baik - baik, muridnya pinter, eskulnya lengkap. ( fitnah dikit buat kebaikan itu nggak dosa kan ya? ) Sekian.
"I like with a girl who can makes me laugh, especially she can laugh when she hear my jokes. Cause sometimes my jokes it's not funny"
"I like with a girl who shorter than me, have the kewl style and a great jokes. It's important if she have a same music taste like me. So we can sing together in the car"
"The first thing i notice is a girl's attitude. I really take from that. It's important for me"
"I think, girls look so beautiful when they wears their pajamas."
I carry your heart with me
(I carry it in my heart)
I am never without it
(Anywhere i go you go, My dear;
And whatever is done by only me is your doing, My darling)
I fear no fate
(For You are my fate, My sweet)
I want no world
(For beautiful you are My world, My true)
And it's you are
Whatever a moon has always meant
And whatever a sun will always sing is you
Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(Here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud, and the sky of the sky
of a tree called life; Which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
And this is the wonder
That's keeping the stars apart
I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)
is even more fun than going to San Sebastian, Irún, Hendaye, Biarritz, Bayonne
or being sick to my stomach on the Travesera de Gracia in Barcelona
partly because in your orange shirt you look like a better happier St. Sebastian
partly because of my love for you, partly because of your love for yoghurt
partly because of the fluorescent orange tulips around the birches
partly because of the secrecy our smiles take on before people and statuary
it is hard to believe when I’m with you that there can be anything as still
as solemn as unpleasantly definitive as statuary when right in front of it
in the warm New York 4 o’clock light we are drifting back and forth
between each other like a tree breathing through its spectacles
and the portrait show seems to have no faces in it at all, just paint
you suddenly wonder why in the world anyone ever did them
I look
at you and I would rather look at you than all the portraits in the world
except possibly for the Polish Rider occasionally and anyway it’s in the Frick
which thank heavens you haven’t gone to yet so we can go together the first time
and the fact that you move so beautifully more or less takes care of Futurism
just as at home I never think of the Nude Descending a Staircase or
at a rehearsal a single drawing of Leonardo or Michelangelo that used to wow me
and what good does all the research of the Impressionists do them
when they never got the right person to stand near the tree when the sun sank
or for that matter Marino Marini when he didn’t pick the rider as carefully
as the horse
it seems they were all cheated of some marvelous experience
which is not going to go wasted on me which is why I am telling you about it
I thought I understood it
That I could grasp it
But I didn’t
Not really
I knew the smudgeness of it
The pink-slippered-all-containered-semi-precious eagerness of it
I didn’t realize it would sometimes be more than whole
The wholeness was a rather luxurious idea
Because its the halves that halve you in half
Didn’t know
Don’t know about the in between bits
The gore-y bits of you
And gore-y bits of me..
1. Talk To Yourself :
Demi says, "It helps to even look in the mirror - and it sounds so cheesy - but if you just look in the mirror and say 'You are beautiful,' and 'You are worthy,' those things really help you."
2. Don't Push Yourself To Be Perfect :
Demi says, "I think.. That's what being a role model is all about. It's not about being perfect."
3. Be Honest To Yourself :
Demi says, "To me, I don't think it does anybody any good to just hide something or cover it up or lie or whatever."
4. Doing Some Little Habit :
Demi says, "Pray. I pray every night before I go to sleep and every morning when I wake up."
5. Hangout With The Right People :
Demi says, "I surround myself with people who make positive decisions... My friends and I look out for each other."
He's really really like on fire to start working for his 2nd album :D He still wishing, in his 2nd album can work together with singer and song writer some reliable songs like Ed Sheeran and John Mayer.
Another Leak? "If the first album was domination by upbeat song, this second album, i just want there is some acoustic song, to let the listener more intimate and satisfied to hearing my voice." he explained. well greaaat!
January : Diary Day. Sepasang kekasih atau sahabat saling bertukar diary agar pasangan bisa saling jujur, mengingat momen penting dan saling menerima kekurangan masing-masing. February : Valentine's Day. Cowok-cowok menyiapkan kencan dan sebagainya, tapi di Korea.. Ceweklah yang memberi kado valentine bagi si cowok. March : White Day. Cowok korea membalas ungkapan dari cewek yang sebelumnya memberi hadiah dengan warna serba putih. April : Single Day a.k.a Black Day. Hari untuk para jomblo yang nggak dapet hadiah di waktu valentine's day. Mereka datang bersama teman untuk seru-seruan makan jajangmyeon(mie kuah hitam), minum kopi hitam dan berpakaian serba hitam. May : Rose Day a.k.a Yellow Day. Beberapa pasangan memakai baju bernuansa kuning dan saling bertukar bunga mawar. June : Kiss Day. Banyak tempat di mall-mall mengadakan kissing contest untuk pasangan, kissing di hari ini dianggap spesial dan penuh perasaan. July : Silver Day. Para pasangan saling memberikan perhiasan perak, dan menyatakan keseriusan hubungan mereka. Para pasangan juga memperkenalkan pacarnya kepada teman atau keluarga. August : Green Day. Banyak pasangan sengaja pergi hiking atau sekedar jalan-jalan ke taman, mereka juga memakai baju bernuansa hijau. Bagi yang jomblo, mereka meminum soju(mirip vodka dengan rasa lebih manis) yang berbotol hijau. September : Photo Day a.k.a Music Day. Seharian penuh para pasangan bergantian memotret satu sama lain dengan outfits yang mirip. Malamnya, pasangan pergi ke noraebang(tempat karaoke) untuk nyanyi bareng dan bertukar CD. October : Wine Day. Para pasangan pergi kencan dan makan bersama di tempat spesial, mereka wajib memesan wine pada hari itu. November : Movie day a.k.a Orange Day. Para pasangan pergi nonton film ke bioskop atau di rumah. Cemilan wajib mereka pada hari itu adalah jeruk. Mereka juga memakai baju bernuansa orange. *orange : penegasan cinta. December : Hug Day. Pasangan kekasih, keluarga, dan teman di Korea saling berpelukan sebagai wujud rasa syukur pada Tuhan karena saling menyayangi.
Dua orang anak muda Indonesia, Muhammad Fathanatul Haq (24) yang
berprofesi sebagai artis dan Ockto Baringbing (29) seorang penulis,
dapat penghargaan Silver pada International Manga Award ke-6 yang
diikuti 38 negara dan 245 naskah, diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Luar
Negeri Jepang.
Keberhasilan mereka bahkan dapat sambutan dan komentar yang sangat
baik dari Ketua Dewan Juri, Machiko Satonaka, "Saya senang sekali dengan
karya Lima Menit Sebelum Siaran. Sangat unik dan menarik sampai tertawa
saya melihatnya, punya unsur komedi yang sangat baik. Ternyata dunia TV
di mana-mana sama juga ya," ungkapnya dilaporkan seusai acara
penyerahan hadiah kepada para pemenang yang berlangsung di Iikura House
Roppongi, Tokyo, Jepang, Jumat (8/2/2013).
Satonaka yang juga pembuat manga profesional di Jepang sangat senang
dengan berbagai keunikan karya mangga para peserta ternyata beraneka
ragam, "Mereka sangat kreatif dan penuh enerjik kelihatan dari
karya-karyanya. Saya sangat bahagia dan berharap manga bisa jauh lebih
tersebarluas ke mana pun karena dengan manga juga bisa mengandung unsur
pendidikan yang dapat menyampaikan segala macam bentuk kehidupan dan
pengetahuan kepada masyarakat luas," tambahnya.
Demikian pula Menteri Luar Negeri Fumio Kishida dalam komentarnya
sebelum mengangkat toast bersama, mengharapkan dunia mangga dapat
menjadi lebih populer di mana pun serta dapat semakin meningkatkan
persahabatan di antara semua bangsa dengan Jepang sehingga perdamaian
pun tercipta dengan baik.
Ockto yang memperoleh hadiah silver tersebut tampak gembira sekali,
"Hidup manga Indonesia! Salam buat semua rakyat Indonesia, kami bahagia
sekali dan sangat berterima kasih kepada semua pihak terutama keluarga
kami, sehingga dapat berhasil seperti sekarang ini. Saya juga akan
kembali aktif, kembali bersemangat, menekuni dunia manga ini," katanya,
dengan bangga.
Selain itu Ockto mengakui bahwa sebelum mendapatkan penghargaan ini
dia sempat jatuh hampir frustrasi karena banyak karyanya selalu ditolak
dan tertutup oleh banyaknya karya buku manga dari berbagai artis.
"Rasanya impian saya kandas, padahal dari kecil sudah bercita-cita
ingin menjadi artis manga. Impian habis deh karena ditolak terus di
sana-sini. Tapi tahu-tahu datang kabar kita berhasil mendapat
penghargaan dari Jepang, wah, sangat bahagia sekali, saya bangkit
kembali dan berjanji akan semakin baik lagi menekuni dunia manga ini,"
Muhammad Fathanatul juga menyatakan sangat bahagia, "Wah senangnya
bukan main deh. Saya akan buat buku manga terus, maju terus, semangat
terus, pokoknya akan berkarya tak akan habis-habisnya," ungkapnya dengan
tertawa bahagia lepas setelah pemberian penghargaan trophy, medali
silver dan sertifikat penghargaan langsung tangan dari Menteri Luar
Negeri Jepang.
"Rasanya kayak mimpi aja nih," tambah Muhammad Fathanatul lagi. Juara
pertama medali gold dari Thailand, Kosin Jeenseekong, medali silver
tiga karya yaitu dari China, Thailand dan Indonesia. Sedangkan medali
bronze diberikan kepada 11 naskah dari China, Taiwan, Malaysia,
Thailand, Spanyol, dan Perancis.
Karya-karya dari Indonesia selalu ikut serta dalam kompetisi ini
sejak awal, tetapi tak pernah menang dan untuk pertama kali di
kompetisi ke enam kali ini peserta Indonesia berhasil mendapatkan medali
silver. Kita harapkan tentu di tahun mendatang ada peserta Indonesia
yang dapat berhasil memperoleh emas.
It is totally on between One Direction and The Wanted.
Over the weekend, Max George (who shot down a certain redheaded trainwreck the night of the most recent Lindsay Lohan arrest) simply Tweeted: "Psy and me getting messy #geekandproud."
Zayn Malik then responded that "the first step is totally acceptance.
#geekoftheweek. You display just how much of a wannabe you are."
And, from there - as one of our favorite Anchorman quotes would say - things escalated quickly..
"That's not very nice, @ZaynMalik. I was just starting to like you and
your RnB songs, too," George wrote, backed up by Tom Parker of The
Wanted, who chimed in with:
"Zayn Malik had his '1 Stripes' knickers in a twist, bro."
"Mate, if I had a face like yours, my hair would be the last thing I
would worry about," replied Zayn, followed by Louis Tomlinson telling
Parker to "pipe down." From there, it turned especially ugly... STD-style!
Malik shot off to The Wanted, addressing members of the group with:
"Let's not even discuss vocal ability, boys. I would love to chat but
have to run through rehearsals."
And after George Tweeted for him to "stay off the bud" because "it makes you cranky," Malik actually fired back: "Alright chlamydia boy."
"Tell me you're problems without the 8 security in NYC.. The only
problem I have with you is the s--t banter. Grow up son," Max responded,
and the exchange was capped off with Zayn's:
"I'd f--king love to, see you in New York big man ha u clown."
All the fiery Tweets were eventually deleted, but not before they were
seen by millions of followers, all of whom are likely now debating:
Which band would actually win in a fight, One Direction or The Wanted? And which group do you like better? It's depends on you guys (; (source : the holywood gossip)
I think--I think when it's all over,
It just comes back in flashes, you know?
It's like a kaleidoscope of memories.
It just all comes back. But he never does.
I think part of me knew the second I saw him that this would happen.
It's not really anything he said or anything he did,
It was the feeling that came along with it.
And the crazy thing is I don't know if I'm ever gonna feel that way again.
But I don't know if I should.
I knew his world moved too fast and burned too bright.
But I just thought, how can the devil be pulling you toward someone who looks so much like an angel when he smiles at you?
Maybe he knew that when he saw me.
I guess I just lost my balance.
I think that the worst part of it all wasn't losing him.
It was losing me.
Once upon a time a few mistakes ago
I was in your sights, you got me alone
You found me, you found me, you found me
I guess you didn't care, and I guess I liked that
And when I fell hard you took a step back
Without me, without me, without me
And he's long gone when he's next to me
And I realize the blame is on me
'Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
'Til you put me down, oh
I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground
Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
No apologies, he'll never see you cry
Pretend he doesn't know that he's the reason why
You're drowning, you're drowning, you're drowning
Now I heard you moved on from whispers on the street
A new notch in your belt is all I'll ever be
And now I see, now I see, now I see
He was long gone when he met me
And I realize the joke is on me, yeah!
I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
'Til you put me down, oh
I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground
Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
And the saddest fear comes creeping in
That you never loved me or her, or anyone, or anything, yeah
I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
'Til you put me down, oh
I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground
Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
I knew you were trouble when you walked in
Trouble, trouble, trouble
I knew you were trouble when you walked in
Trouble, trouble, trouble
I don't know if you know who you are until you lose who you are.
nggak perlu effort berlebihan, tampil cuek dengan slouchy sweater bermotif besar dan berwarna terang. instan, bikin semua mata melirik (;
Emma Watson :
kewl messy style emma! (; dengan messy bun nya, short jeans model robek jadi makin keren ditambah lagi dengan white shirt nya. aksesorisnya boleh juga tuh :D
Selena Gomez :
kewl white skeleton tank dengan perpaduan brown messy scarf makin bikin Sel look comfy banget, ditambah lagi short blue jeans yg catchy. nggak lupa juga sama boots nya :D
Simple and striking are two ways to describe the tightly
wound knots seen on the runway. As hairstylist Guido explained of his low
chignon at Ralph Lauren, "It's a very chic, put-together
style...This look goes along with what I typically think we create in New York
in that it's very American and wearable..." To master your twist, blow-dry
hair straight, create a clean center part if wanted, and secure hair into a
firm ponytail at the nape, spritzing withmore shine mist. From there, you can wrap
the tail into any number of looks—a loop with the ends pointing up or tucked
under, a round ballet bun, or the classic double knot—sealed with a shot of
anti-frizz spray.
In a 2002 interview with PBS,
Martel revealed his inspiration for his novel, "I was sort of looking
for a story, not only with a small 's' but sort of with a capital 'S' –
something that would direct my life." He spoke of being lonely and needing direction in his life. The novel became that direction and purpose for his life.
Martel also stated that his inspiration for the book's premise came from reading a book review of Brazilian author Moacyr Scliar's 1981 novella Max and the Cats, about a Jewish-German refugee who crossed the Atlantic Ocean while sharing his boat with a jaguar. Scliar said that he was perplexed that Martel "used the idea without
consulting or even informing me," and indicated that he was reviewing
the situation before deciding whether to take any action in response. After talking with Martel, Scliar elected not to pursue the matter. A dedication to Scliar "for the spark of life" appears in the author's note of Life of Pi.
Literary reviews have described the similarities between Life of Pi and Max and the Cats
as superficial. Reviewer Peter Yan wrote, "Reading the two books
side-by-side, one realizes how inadequate bald plot summaries are in
conveying the unique imaginative impact of each book,"
and noted that Martel's distinctive narrative structure is not found in
Scliar's novella. The themes of the books are also dissimilar, with Max and the Cats being an allegory for Nazism. In Life of Pi, 211 of 354 pages are devoted to Pi's experience in the lifeboat, compared to Max and the Cats, in which 17 of its 99 pages depict time spent in a lifeboat.
(source : wikipedia)
Bullying can occur in nearly any part in or around the school building, though it may occur more frequently in physical education classes and activities, recess, hallways, bathrooms, on school buses
and while waiting for buses, and in classes that require group work
and/or after school activities. Bullying in school sometimes consists of
a group of students taking advantage of or isolating one student in
particular and gaining the loyalty of bystanders who want to avoid
becoming the next victim. These bullies may taunt and tease their target
before physically bullying the target. Bystanders may participate or
watch, sometimes out of fear of becoming the next victim.
Bullying can also be perpetrated by teachers and the school system
itself: There is an inherent power differential in the system that can
easily predispose to subtle or covert abuse (relational aggression or passive aggression), humiliation, or exclusion — even while maintaining overt commitments to anti-bullying policies. (source : wikipedia)
With her golden locks and glitzy outfits, Taylor Swift is the ultimate
Southern belle–meets–modern rock star. Despite her musical successes and
flashy wardrobe choices, Taylor's style remains youthful and
approachable, even when she dresses up for the red carpet. By letting
her pretty frocks do the talking, this country girl keeps things simple,
avoiding too many accessories—though she is certainly not shy of the
sequin! To achieve Taylor's glamorous style at home, try a strapless
dress or a cute off-the-shoulder top with a pair of skinny jeans, and
then finish the ensemble with a pair of peep-toe heels (Taylor's
signature shoe choice). Finally, don't forget to leave your hair natural
and free-flowing—it's the key to our cover girl's fresh,
fashion-forward look!
When you smile like a tease baby you don't even know
You don't even know
And my heart skips a beat darlin' every time you go
Every time you go
When you walk into the room
I can't speak and I can't move
You don't see me but you should
Why you gotta make it hurt so good?
I don't ever wanna let you go
We could take it fast or make it slow
I'm the friend that you misunderstood
Everyday is just a wish I could
Why you gotta make it hurt so good?
Why you gotta make it hurt so good?
All the girls on the block they come knocking at your door
Knocking at your door
You just stare out the window, what you waiting for?
What you waiting for?
Is it too late or too soon?
I'm right outside here wanting you
You don't see me, but you should
Why you gotta make it hurt so good?
I don't ever wanna let you go
We could take it fast or make it slow
I'm the friend that you misunderstood
Everyday is just a wish I could
Why you gotta make it hurt so good?
So good
Imagine you, imagine me
Together so happily
Imagine me, imagine you
Inside a dream I built for two
When you walk into the room
I can't speak and I can't move
You don't see me but you should
Why you gotta make it hurt so good?
I don't ever wanna let you go
We could take it fast or make it slow
I'm the friend that you misunderstood
Everyday is just a wish I could
Why you gotta make it hurt so good?
Different style from them, i think they're soooo adorable and cute style. but now?
yeah they keeewl ;)
but in they're new videoclip, different style make a different opinion too. some people say they're too bitchy, some people say they're just try the new style.
i love the "here comes troubleee" :D hhahaha kewl words.
Anyone enjoy your coffee day? i've got the new one. and maybe you guys can say "oh my god.." :o
Kopi black ivory ini berasal dari kotoran gajah. Gajah diberi makan biji kopi Thai Arabica yang hanya tumbuh di ketinggian 5.000 kaki di atas permukaan laut. Untuk memproduksi satu kilogram biji kopi, para gajah ini harus memakan lebih dari 32 kilogram biji kopi. Saat dicerna gajah, enzim usus gajah menghancurkan protein kopi. Karena rasa pahit dalam kopi bergantung pada jumlah protein di kopi, maka semakin sedikit protein, rasa pahitnya semakin berkurang.
Kopi ini tersedia di The Anantara Hotel & Resorts di Thailand menggeser kedudukan kopi luwak sebagai kopi termahal di dunia. Hanya ada 50 kilogram biji kopi black ivory yang tersedia di Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation di Thailand. 1 kilonya dihargai 1.100 dolar(sekitar 10juta rupiah) dan per cangkir dijual seharga 50 dolar(sekitar 10.7juta rupiah). 8% penjualan kopi akan dikembalikan kepada GTAEF, sebuah organisasi pelestarian gajah Asia di Thailand.
(source : kaWanku Magazine)
Please girl, don't feeling awkward again-_- just feeling happy because when winter 2012 branded shoes from japan, wakai. It's inspired by the happy holiday season, we can feel from all collections that content with bright colors and many interesting motif like ethnic, geometry, and tribal that can make this shoes looking sooooooo stylish and cheerful.
This shoes just sooo confident and can give the happy mood by wearing this shoes. It's gonna be awsome when we wear wakai all day :D you girls curious to know all of the collections? just click www.wakaishoes.jp or if you live in Jakarta just go to Plaza Indonesia Lantai 4 unit 106-107.
Happy shopping guys! (9^o^)9
The start of February is a time of promise. A time to look at your life and set goals for the year to come.
But does it last? Sadly, for many, the end of the month sees New
Year’s Resolutions lying in tatters, like tea bags dropped through a
If that sounds like you, we think we can help. Whatever your resolution – tea is the key.
Maybe you’re learning a new skill. That’s one of the most popular January pledges.
Whether you’re burying your head in C++ computer programming,
learning the basics of Portuguese or taking up the harmonica, there is
no greater friend on your path to education than a steaming mug of
Yorkshire Tea. Warms your soul, perks up your brain cells.
Perhaps you’ve resolved to spend more time with your loved ones.
However, it’s easy to get distracted by organising big events: meals,
nights out, trips to the beach… before you know it, you’ve taken on an
organisational nightmare.
But friends and family don’t need a special occasion to hang out. Just invite them round for a brew. A proper brew, that is.
And if your festive diet of mulled wine, port and egg nog has left
you resolving to drink less alcohol in the New Year, then you’ll no
doubt be seeking an alternative – yet equally wonderful – beverage.
Ideally a hot one with a rich, malty taste.
You’re probably getting the idea…
(source : http://www.yorkshiretea.co.uk/blog/)
Hasil mengecewakan diraih Real Madrid saat bertandang
ke Estadio Nuevo Los Carmenes, Ahad (3/2/13) dinihari. Skuat besutan
Jose Mourinho itu takluk 0-1 dari tuan rumah Granada pada pekan ke-22 La
Tanpa diperkuat sang kapten Iker Casillas, Mesut Ozil, serta Pepe,
Madrid mencoba menggebrak pertahanan tuan rumah di menit-menit awal
babak pertama. Namun, upaya Madrid melalui sepak pojok di menit 11
gagal. Empat menit berselang, kesalahan Xabi Alonso menyodorkan bola
kepada kiper Diego Lopez nyari membuat si kilut bundar masuk ke gawang.
Beruntung bola menyamping dan langsung disapu oleh Lopez.
Di menit 20, Aranda yang lolos dari jebakan offside
melepaskan umpan silang ke kotak penalti. Bola nyaris saja dimanfaatkan
Gabriel Torje jika tidak disapu oleh Alvaro Arbeloa sehingga hanya
menghasilkan sepak pojok.
Dari sepak pojok inilah Granada menciptakan gol. Tendangan penjuru
Inigo Lopez coba dihalau Cristiano Ronaldo. Namun, sundulan pemain asal
Portugal tersebut justru mengarah masuk ke gawang Lopez. Ini merupakan
gol bunuh diri pertama Ronaldo sejak bergabung dengan Madrid pada musim
1998/1999. Gol bunuh diri ini juga merupakan yang pertama bagi pemain
berjuluk CR7 itu dari 601 penampilan profesionalnya.
Tertinggal 0-1, Madrid mencoba membalas. Ronaldo mencoba menembus
kesalahan melalui tendangan bebas di menit 28. Namun, sepakan gelandang
asal Portugal itu masih menyamping di sisi gawang. Kesempatan kedua
diperoleh Ronaldo pada menit 34, namun lagi-lagi eksekusi tendangan
bebasnya gagal karena membentur pagar betis pemain Granda. Sementara
sepakan Sami Khedira di menit 44 memanfaatkan umpan mendatar dari
Gonzalo Higuain masih menyamping di sisi gawang.
Di awal babak kedua, Mourinho memainkan Karim Benzema dan Jose
Callejon untuk menggantikan Gonzalo Higuain serta Sami Khedira. Namun,
rapat dan disiplinnya barisan pertahanan Granada membuat serangan Madrid
selalu gagal.
Pada menit ke-70, Callejon mendapat peluang di kotak penalti. Namun
sayang, bola sodoran Luka Modric gagal dikonversi jadi gol karena bola
sepakannya masih bisa diblok kiper Tono.
Calejon kembali memperoleh kesempatan di menit ke-83. Kesalahan
pemain belakang Granada membuat pemain bernomor 21 itu merebut bola.
Sayang, sepakan jarak dekat Calejon masih bisa ditepis Tono. Sementara
bola muntah yang disambut tendangan Benzema hanya meluncur di samping
Hingga laga usai, Madrid gagal menyamakan skor. Kekalahan ini membuat
perolehan poin Madrid tetap 43 dan berada di posisi ketiga klasemen.
Mereka tertinggal 15 poin dari Barcelona yang ada di puncak klasemen.
Sementara Granada ke luar dari zona degradasi dengan naik ke posisi 16
dengan poin 23.